A short film based on the true story of Nigel, the lonely gannet of Mana Island who hopelessly fell in love with a concrete statue. His tragic tale of idealisation and delusion shows us a reflection of our own misconceptions in love. MA Graduation film from Royal College of Art, London. http://bit.ly/37KUvMu zippyframes.com/index.php/shorts/nigel-by-natasza-cetner Animation and direction: Natasza Cetner Sound Design: Yiannis Spanos Sound Mix: Yin Lee Animation Assistants: Kyle Peyton, Tanaka Tiriboyi, Joao Gonzalez, Sahanshil Dangol, Cassie Amis, Becky Vickars, Gary Wilson, Melanie Campbell, Silvia Zubrinic, Asheila Amara, Flora Caulton, Voltaire Joshua Gonzalez Selections: Short of the Week Premiere 2020 PÖFF Shorts, Estonia 2019 Animateka, Slovenia 2019 Anifilm 2020 Animac 2020 Tricky Women 2020 London International Animation Festival 2019 O!PLA – Polish Animation Film Festival 2020 Ajayu International Animation Festival, Peru 2019 Silk Road International Film Festival, 2020 Gojo Short Animation Gallery Exhibition 2019 PSIAF, USA 2019