Rat Tail explores director Chad Sogas’ battle with depression in this short autobiographical documentary. What begins as a self-deprecating story about the rat tail he had for nearly ten years (that his parents still keep in the storage room of their basement) transcends into a journey of unexpected self-discovery and healing. ——————————————————– Writer/Director/Editor/Producer……….Chad Sogas Story Consultant……….Katie Turinski Composer……….Patrick Cannell Music Supervisor……….Abbey Hendrix Mixer/Sound Editor……….Noah Woodburn Sound Editor……….Morgan Johnson Colorist……….George Costakis Flame Artist……….Noah Poole VO Talent Movie Pitch Chad……….Orion Hinojos Elementary Chad……….Brody Else School Teacher #2……….Jane Beverley Tom Wagner……….Himself Reenactment Cast Young Chad……….Jax Connolly Middle School Chad……….Tristan Jenkins Teen Chad……….Jack Dolan Reenactment Crew Producer……….Christopher Vanderloo Director of Photography……….Travis Wears Camera Assistant……….Jeff Miller Utility……….Nathan Happer Wardrobe/HMU……….Tab Treml Key Set PA……….Jor-El Washington Car Rig……….Tony Ontiveros Car Rig Assist……….Vic Dominguez Additional Photography……….Katie Turinski Map Design……….Stacey Smith
(Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)