Lewis ‘Poochi’ Van Poetsch is a professional boxer. He has fought 150+ times with a record of 10 wins, 3 draws and 140+ losses. On paper, and in pure numbers, this record looks horrendous and that Poochi is an inadequate fighter but this is not the real story. Poochi is a ‘Journeyman’, or a more honest term might be a ‘professional loser’. In this short portrait ‘Poochi’ explains how he fell into the role, as he prepares for another weekend fight. Shot in Birmingham, UK. Directed and Edited by Robin Mason Cinematography by David Bird Graded by Alex Gregory @No.8 London Music by Christian Wade @Music Bed With thanks to Pat Benson Boxing, No.8 London, Harri Kamalanathan, Phil Myers, Jon Hatch, Brendan Harvey, Alex Mills, Musicbed.