Ingrid, a young drama student, finds herself in the middle of an increasingly uncomfortable situation, as her ensemble and the play’s director discuss whether she should be performing a full-frontal nude scene. Magnus, once a promising theatre director who is now trying to get his career back on track, awkwardly navigates the discussion in the wake of MeToo. “EXPOSED” is this week’s Staff Pick Premiere. Read more about it here: Directed by Anna Fredrikke Bjerke Written by Vilde Moberg Director of photography Simon M. Valentine Starring Vilde Moberg, Tommy Karlsen, Ibrahim Fazlic, Mimmi Tamba, Maren Sennels Jenssen & Olavus Frostad Udbye Produced by Anna Fredrikke Bjerke & Vilde Moberg 1st AC: Håkon Instefjord 2nd AC: Zain Ashar Production Sound: Tina Lund AD: Karine Dokken UPM: Mari Ørstavik Script supervisor: Frida B. Jensen Director’s Assistant: Ingrid Marie Røine PA: Ådne Lyngstad Nilsen PA: Shehzad Zahid Editor: Mathias Hamre Askeland Score: Anna Berg Musicians: Ylva Bråten Rian & Nora Sjøgren Music Mastering: Mats Claesson Sound Design & Mix: Ruben Slettevold Color: Didrik Bråthen Production Services: Mediefabrikken Festivals, Screenings & Awards Nominations: 2021 The Norwegian Short Film Festival – Best short film nominee 2021 Flatpack Film Festival 2021 Brooklyn Film Festival 2021 The Lower East Side Film Festival 2020 Screen Talent Europe Finalist