In a little house filled with mirrors, Fiep focuses on her physical imperfections so intensely that her distorted self-image grows out of proportion… Literally. ‘Reflection’ is a short animated film full of turbulent emotions, relating to self-image and insecurity. It shows the thought spiral of self-loathing that we all get lost in sometimes, when we look in the mirror and absolutely despise what we see… The intensity of this feeling is captured in ‘Reflection’ through hand-drawn animation, with ink and gouache. TEAM Directed by Sanna de Vries Produced by Tünde Vollenbroek at Studio Pupil Festival distribution by Ursula van den Heuvel Sales by Sydney Neter Creative consultants: Bouwine Pool, Joanna Quinn Creative producers: Tünde Vollenbroek, Dario van Vree Script, storyboard: Sanna de Vries Backgrounds: Iris van Hassel, Sanna de Vries Colorboard: Janneke Ipenburg Animation: Sanna de Vries, Damiët Anijs Coloring: Ming Stotijn Editing: Diede van Vree, Dario van Vree Voice acting: Susanne Edam Music: Nik Phelps Sound design: Maria Kramer Sound studio: Posta FESTIVALS Cinekid Children’s Media Festival, Netherlands, October 2021 ***won Dutch Animation Award*** Shortcutz, Netherlands, November 2021 IndieJúnior Children’s and Youth Film Festival, Portugal, January 2022 FluXus Animation Film Festival, Netherlands, August 2022 Seattle Children’s Film Festival, USA, February 2022 Cinemagic, Ireland, March 2022 Kaboom Animation Festival, Netherlands, March 2022 Internationales Frauen Film Festival, Germany, March 2022 Music & Cinema Festival Marseille, France, April 2022 Go Short Festival, Netherlands, April 2022 Cannes Short Film Corner, France, May 2022 Zlín Film Festival for Children & Youth, Czechia, May 2022 Framed Animatiefestival Groningen, Netherlands, May 2022 Très Court Film Festival, France, June 2022 Animafest Zagreb, Croatia, June 2022 Europe on Screen Film Festival, Indonesia, June 2022 Shortcutz A’dam @ Volkshotel, Netherlands, June 2022 Festival Hongerige Wolf, Netherlands, June 2022 Busan Kids and Youth Film Festival, Korea, July 2022 Indy Shorts Film Festival, USA, July 2022 Turku Animation Film Festival, Finland, August 2022 LINOLEUM Fest of Contemporary Animation & Media-art, Ukraine, September 2022 Go Short Arnhem, Netherlands, September 2022 Nederlands Film Festival, Netherlands, September 2022 Filem’on Kinderfilm Festival, Belgium, October 2022 Chicago International Children’s Film Festival, USA, November 2022 El Meu Primer Festival, Spain, November 2022 KUKI Internationales Kinder- und Jugendkurzfilmfestival, Germany, November 2022 Animage Festival, Brazil, November 2022