An ode to the bare feet of Venice Beach, California… Written and Directed by Ace Norton Produced by Lars Ruch & Kevin Dalit Creative Director Seyna Van Der Linden Production Company Commondeer Films Agency Karla Otto For Birkenstock Director of Photography Mike Reyes Production Designer Andrea Leigh Edited by Micah Levin Camera Assist Joshua Cote Colorist Marshall Plante Starring The Feet of Venice Beach: Bill Norton, Ace Norton, Lora Norton, Ceara Mcauliffe, Lance The Bike Whisperer, Clabe Hartley, Vanessa Ehrlich, Julia Ehrlich, Glen Walsh, Kiki Casillas, Omer Levy, Ruby Levy, Rio Levy, Raymundo Martinez, Sophie Okulick, Audrey Okulick, John Okulick, Pauline Guian, Macy Fuquay, Johnny Gidey, Chuck Dukowski, Brian Floats, Lyn Norton, Michiko Matsuda, Milo Gonzalez, and Chris Prapha…