A French documentary crew follows acclaimed Swed-ish Super Producer VÄÄMM played by James Austin Johnson (SNL, I’ve Been Eating Owls) into his world of creative chaos, musical madness, and fire beats. CREW Produced by TV55 France Directed by Bryan B Stray Written by Stray, James Austin Johnson & Andrew Gumm Director of Photography: Kris Evered Field Sound & B Camera: Andrew Rowley 2nd Unit: Ben Evered & Rebekah Johnson 2nd Unit Cam Op: Gordon Yould Production Assistant: Joey Burmeister Animal Wrangler: Jay Louis Opening Music: Jory Herman CAST VÄÄMM: James Austin Johnson Narrator: Faustine Kooijmann 90’s GF: Ksenie Kolbas Comedian 1: Daniel Webb Comedian 2: Steph Tolev Masseuse: Kris Evered Güstäv: Gavin Paddock Iana: Ariana Jankovic Johnny Redcoat: Anthony Anzaldo Cody Blake: Spencer Vickers Manager: Kate Surinskaya Thomas: Andrew Rowley SPECIAL THANKS Anthony Fantano @ The Needle Drop Partick Carney Jarel Paguio Vanessa Trine TRACE JP Wakayama Nigel Beauty Emporium Rowlbertos Media Jay Louis Geoff Mau Homer Johnson
(Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)