“A few months ago, I went all over Europe to film the workshops of great luxury brands. This personal work is a tribute to the craftsmen I met and their expertise.” “Il y a quelques mois, je suis parti à travers l’Europe pour filmer les ateliers de grandes marques de Luxe. Ceci est l’hommage personnel aux artisans que j’ai rencontrés.” // With the participation of : Text : Guillaume Willeme http://bit.ly/1E0H2uD Voice : Paul Bandey www.paulbandey.com Actor : Kudzo Do Tobias http://bit.ly/1IGgAfh Director of Photography (Poet): Cyril Bron www.cyrilbron.fr Director of Photography (Atelier Craft): Seb Joffard http://bit.ly/1E0H0CW Assisted by gregory bendrihem Music & Sound Design : Pierre-Elie Robert http://bit.ly/1IGgBjq Sound Studio : Stritlab www.stritlab.com Traduction : Karen Henderson Production (Atelier Craft) : Sarah Huot http://bit.ly/1E0H2uF Director of Production (Atelier Craft) : Guillaume Viard Director of Production (Poet) : Gaby Hours vimeo.com/gabyhours Many Thanks to Sarah Huot, Icone Production , Gaby Hours, Guillaume Viard, Noah Klein, John Gitlis, Franck Bailleul, HK Corp, Jérôme de Gerlache, Nicolas Davenel, Jérémy Spagnulo, Karen Henderson, Ella Villaumié…