“What matters to me, what inspires me, is the people. That’s why I do so many portraits. I try to tell the story that no one sees, that no one knows and that no one wants to see,” says Ernesto Pérez (@revistanow), who works as editor at a digital magazine in Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Ernesto often takes pictures of public transport buses, which are colorful but overwhelming. “I live in a city where you get 112 degrees Fahrenheit [44 Celsius] at noon, so using public transport is a tough experience. I’m interested primarily in those feelings, in the expression of those on that transport system.” Ernesto says his images represent a unique kind of beauty. “My city, my country is passing through a difficult moment and I am not trying to portray it in a bad light. I am trying to find beauty in places where it is difficult to find it.” Photo by @revistanow by instagram http://bit.ly/1e2vJMb