Wake Up: A Poem By AFLO. the poet & Priss Nash – https://bit.ly/2DGwmOl … Directors Notes Article: https://bit.ly/3akpTEA … Black Lives Matter is a movement, not a moment. Told from the perspective of two Black women, Wake Up fuses powerful spoken word poetry with unflinching glimpses of news clips and mobile phone footage. An impassioned and emotional journey through the peaks and troughs of hope and frustration that are felt when people finally start paying attention, only to lose focus once the hashtags have stopped trending. You’re finally listening, so what’s next? … HOW YOU CAN HELP: https://bit.ly/31Nx6ZX … Written & Performed by AFLO. the poet & Priss Nash Director & Editor – Sam Parish-Rookes Producers – AFLO. the poet & Priss Nash Director of Photography – Liam White Colourist – Jessica Vile Post-Production Sound – Shane Gravestock Graphic Designer – Shannon Thomas Carved In Mayhem Written & Performed by Luke Atencio, Courtesy of Musicbed Special Thanks Matt Hopkins Sam Widdows The Brighton Studio The Progress Film Company Reed Morano Laura Parish Toby Bennett Julian Beresford Kitty Wheeler Shaw Jess Hislop