THE NEIGHBORS’ WINDOW (written & directed by three-time Oscar-nominated filmmaker Marshall Curry) tells the story of Alli (Maria Dizzia), a mother of young children who has grown frustrated with her daily routine and husband (Greg Keller). But her life is shaken up when two free-spirited twenty-somethings move in across the street and she discovers that she can see into their apartment. THE NEIGHBORS’ WINDOW premiered at Tribeca Film Festival in April 2019. It has gone on to play at dozens of film festivals, winning over 20 major awards. “Packs a powerful emotional punch… A model of economical storytelling.” -The Daily Beast “A delicate tale in which envy bleeds into empathy…. Unexpected and moving.” -Filmmaker Magazine Written & directed by: Marshall Curry Starring: Maria Dizzia, Greg Keller, and Juliana Canfield Produced by: Jonathan Olson & Julia Kennelly Executive Produced by: Elizabeth Martin Director of Photography: Wolfgang Held Edited by: Marshall Curry Camera Operator: Thorsten Thielow Original Music by: James Baxter Additional Music by: The National Learn more at