Sound by Justin Cavenagh Pictures by Jason Poley A very personal, personal project. An attempt to visualise some of the raw emotions experienced during depressed periods. Started during a bad time, and completed later. Meant going back to examine and re-experience feelings. Talking openly about feelings is hard. Making pictures has always come more naturally, looking back has been a constant coping mechanism. Along with some less healthy ones. Justin came in towards the end of the process, re-scoring something so personal isn’t an easy task. He exceeded expectations, somehow creating a track that Jason felt like he’d know for decades. If your struggling with your brain, please contact your GP and get a mental health plan. (In Australia at least, international friends look to your healthcare systems.) Australian mental health helplines resource – If you need someone to talk to, Jason’s DMs on twitter or Instagram are always open. (@jasonpoley on both) Be kind to yourselves. J&J ——– 3D – Cinema 4D, Redshift, xParticles, TurbulenceFD, HDRI Link. Comp – After Effects, RSMB, Realglow TC Starglow.