PIONEERS tells the story of two desperate pioneer women who escape together across the midwestern desert in 1848. In a twisted and gripping tale of survival, the duo shatters our expectations of the typical damsels in distress and deliver a story of physical and psychological survival. A haunting and mesmerizing tribute to the fierce femininity often forgotten in history, PIONEERS is a raw, visual journey rich with tender perseverance. Directors: Charlotte Fassler & Dani Girdwood Script by: Bianca Rusu & Diana Irvine Production: SLMBR PRTY Films Producers: Kirstin VanSkiver, Sarah Donnenberg, Leah Donnenberg Director of Photography: Allison Anderson Editor: Stephania Dulowski Original Music: Julianna Barwick Sound Design & Mix: Mike Vitacco Colorist: Jenny Montgomery First Assistant Director: Christopher Michael First Assistant Camera: Sara Ingram Second Assistant Camera: Nina Portillo Gaffer: Kevin Willing Key Grip: John Sircher Grip: Cory Solon Wardrobe: Gabrielle Levion Hair & Makeup: Diahann McCrary Prop Master: Larry Poole Animal Wrangler: Racine Poole Stunt Coordinator: Pete Porteous Sound Recordist: Leonardo Nesco Property Owner: Marcus Phares Medic: Albert Cosio Production Assistant: Angie Savoldi Production Assistant: Dusty Phares Additional Sound Editor: Julianne Guffian Assistant Sound Mixer: Stefano Campello Conform Artist: Kaitlyn Jackson Color Producer: Stephanie Arce VFX Artist: Tim Farrell VFX Producer: Felix Cabrera Cora: Bianca Rusu Mattie: Diana Irvine Man on Horse: Larry Poole