Original Title: “Legal Smuggling with Laurie Lindeen” Life’s a drag for singer/songwriter, Laurie Lindeen of Zuzu’s Petals. She works at Al’s Breakfast. One early morning she discovers success means taking high-profile tabloid interviews from the back corner of the greasy spoon diner’s kitchen. Lived by, written by, and told by Laurie Lindeen | Directed, produced, and animated by Lewie & Noah Kloster | Director of photography Katelyn Rebelo | Sound design by David Britton | Colorist Samuel Gursky (Irving Harvey) | Miniature Puppeteers Max Baez, Brad Bailey, Gary Bardizbanian, Colton Smrz, Jack Wedge, Emilie Wilde | Thanks Joyce Lanxin Zhao SCREENINGS AND AWARDS Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival 2019 Audience Award Winner Florida Film Festival 2019 Official Selection Twin Cities Film Festival 2019 Official Selection Video Consortium 2018 Screening San Francisco International Festival of Shorts 2018
(Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)