One day, I saw this dazzling darkness, and it devoured me. Then, I no longer existed. We often tend to dream, expect, and imagine the things we wished we had. Dreaming is a catalyst for a better future. However, I see dreams in two different ways. One being that dreams give off a sense of motivation and the other that dreams create a sense of delusion within. As humans, our dreams block us from seeing the things that are right in front of us. Although dreams are meant to keep us alive, they also make us forget our existence and our purpose. In the end, our lack of awareness of our surroundings can drive us to forget who we really are. The project, Dream, is a short film that is created based on a visual poem, “Lonely Wintry Moon,” which I wrote portraying myself losing my existence to follow this invisible dream. Directed by Sofie Lee Design : Sofie Lee Animation Direction : Omid Seraj Voice Over : Stella Stocker Music : Wesley Slover, Joe Basile / Sound : Joe Basile Mix : Trevor Richardson Behind the Scenes : Dream. Life is like a warm breeze that carries the redolent of spring, the colors that transmute the sky from dusk till dawn. Like a little chaste sprout that just pushed out the ground dauntlessly. A small water drop that just landed on a wild flower to tell its story from a long itinerary 
But I’m an indigent goldfish that is floundering helplessly in this tiny bowl enveloped by hollow plastic plants and just gazing at this beautiful world; a xanadu I can’t be a part of it I am a puddle on the street that reflects the blue sky and makes graceful ebb and flow of waves coalesced with the spring breeze but I’m merely a deserted puddle wandering aimlessly. Then a bleak, lonely wintry moon devoured my life. The life of warmth, beauty, love, and passion departed. Then, time stopped, everything lost its colors. It froze my heart and only the whiteness lingered in silence with me