It’s Halloween night, and 18-year-old Renee is madly in love with her boyfriend Jim. They’ve made plans to go to a frat party, but after he picks her up he takes a detour, driving off the beaten path to a haunted house. Here, Renee is forced to confront a terrifying situation and come face to face with the thing that, deep down, she’s most afraid of. Written and Directed by Carlen May-Mann Starring: Isabel Shill, Collin Kelly-Sordelet Producers: Albert Tholen, Beck Kitsis, Chachi Hauser Director of Photography: Maria Rusche Production Designer: Lance Mitchell Editor: Chris McNabb Costume Designer: Jenna Weinstein Hair and Makeup: Danni Lin Original Music: Told Slant Casting Director: Kate Geller WORLD PREMIERE Sundance Film Festival 2019 WINNER Audience Award for Best Short Film, Method Fest 2019 Best Director, Home Invasion Shorts, Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2019 OFFICIAL SELECTION Method Fest International Film Festival 2019 BlueCat Short Film Festival 2019 Maryland Film Festival 2019 Overlook Film Festival 2019 StokerCon Final Frame Film Competition 2019 Champs-Élysées Film Festival 2019 Palm Springs ShortFest 2019 Durban International Film Festival 2019 Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2019 New Orleans Film Festival 2019 Idaho Horror Film Festival 2019 Final Girls Berlin Film Festival 2020
