In the film we get to share three very different stories on the subject of computer game addiction, told through a mix of documentary interviews and animation. In the guise of their game avatars three people tell us about their experience of gaming addiction. “I Was a Winner” is this week’s Staff Pick Premiere. Read more about it on the Vimeo blog: director JONAS ODELL producer JOHAN EDSTRÖM interviews RICHARD DINTER animation NIKLAS LUNDGREN specialist in video game addiction SVEN ROLLENHAGEN sound design FRIPPE JONSÄTER Produced by APPARAT FILMPRODUKTION AB in co-production with FILM VÄST and SVERIGES TELEVISION AB. With funding from THE SWEDISH FILM INSTITUTE, Film Commissioner Andra Lasmanis and NORDISK FILM & TV FOND. International sales: © APPARAT FILMPRODUKTION AB, FILM VÄST, SVERIGES TELEVISION AB 2016