graduation film by Giulia Martinelli & Marta Gennari (2016) Sound Design by Alessandro Nepote “In a blue fairy-tale forest, a grumpy granny loses a bottle of wine. This event will give rise to a crescendo of linked events: consequently establishing a dialogue, a funny repartee between frames and characters, which will lead to an unexpected development” Graduation film from CSC National Film School – Animation Department, Turin, Italy Distributed by Kurzfilm Agentur, Hamburg FB: website: updated EVENTS, SCREENINGS and FESTIVALS –> here: 2017 AWARDS: – 1st prize at Hamburg Animation Award 2016 – Prize for the Best Graduation/School film at CINANIMA 2016 – Prize for the Best Short Animation at TIFF, Tirana, 2016 – Special Prize of the Jury at KROK 2016 – Grand Prize at KROK Ukraine 2016 – Special Prize at PRINANIMA 2016 – Special Prize YOO Kwang-sun at BIAF, South Korea, 2016 – Audience award at Hamburg Animation Award 2016 – “Honorary Diploma” award at 10th Theran International animation Festival, 2017 – Best International Student Short, Honourable Mention at Dublin Animation Film Festival 2016 – Prize at FESA – Festival of European Student Animation Belgrade as “Experimental animation film”, 2016 – Prize for “best script” at G-Local film festival in Turin, IT, given by Scuola Holden, 2017 – Prize for “best animated short film” at G-Local film festival, Turin, IT, given by the Jury, 2017 – Winner at MONSTRA à Solta, Portugal 2017 – Special mention at ZABUT International Animated Short Film Festival for the originality of sound solution and the ironic development of the storytelling, 2016 – prize “Giuseppe Laganà” for young authors, given by Asifa Italia and Cartoon Italia during Cartoons on the Bay Festival, (Venice, 8th April,2016) – prize at Visioni Italiane (Bologna, IT), 2017 – Audience award at Future Film Festival, Bologna 2017 – Special Mention for graduation film at Supertoon International Animation Festival, Sebenico -Croatia, 2017