Eer is a short film written and directed by Kristoffer Borgli, based on real events. Starring Alia Shawkat, Alex Warren Made with the support of Oslo Pictures, Furlined & BWGTBLD GmbH. Additional support from Pomp&Clout Cinematography by Ben Mullen. Prosthetic Makeup Design by Izzi Galindo. 1st AC Adam Marquez. Sound Recording Jose Gallo, Erin Fitzgerald. Styling by Kaysie Bergens. Sound Design by Chase Everett. Coloring by Andrew Francis. Produced by Andy Ruse. Written, directed and edited by Kristoffer Borgli. Also appearing: Jordan Raf, Julia Feil, Marie Soderbergh, Robbie Barnett Special thanks to Alexandra Noel, Ross Wiggins, Lars Kjelsnes, Bjarne Bare, Lucy Bull.