Directed by Academy Award-winner Rayka Zehtabchi, A Woman’s Place is a short documentary that captures the stories of three chefs, their careers, and their shared experience as women in the culinary industry facing and overcoming institutionalized sexism. As each address the bias and harassment they’ve had to endure, we see how each chef has carved out a place for themselves in the industry – not as a female chef, but as a restaurateur, a chef de cuisine, and a butcher respectively. Directed by Rayka Zehtabchi Shot and Edited by Sam Davis Executive Produced by Natasha Wellesley Produced by Nick Boak AC – Joe McNairy Steadicam – Scott Baker, Beaumont Pritchard-James, Craig Peterschmidt Gaffers – Joe Slagerman, Aaron Deanware, Yan Murawski Color – Arianna Shining Star Music – Giosue Greco Animation – Daniel Bruson Produced by Ventureland in partnership with KitchenAid, Vox Creative, and Digitas North America