Animated Documentary, directed by Frédéric Schuld Qualified for the Oscars 2022 The famous New Year’s good luck symbol of a little chimney sweeper is turned upside down: In “The Chimney Swift” a real British sweeper master describes his everyday routine of forcing young kids to become workers. Eileen Arandiga, Hot Docs Toronto International Documentary Festival, 2020: Based on a meticulously detailed letter, the hard-knock lives of young 19th century chimney sweeps are uncovered in this animation, which masterfully articulates the finer points of preparing children as young as four for a life of hard labor up the flues of the bourgeoisie. Director statement by Frédéric Schuld: The idea for the film is based on an early childhood memory of a bird falling down my grandparent’s fireplace. It is one of those vague memories that stays. After researching the systematical abuse of the 19th century children chimney sweepers, I connected the dots. Like in my previous film “Carlotta’s Face” I use hand drawn 2D animation with a personal style to be able to create a unique access to a multi-layered story of fate through metaphoric images. Awards/Honors 2021 Aesthetica Short Film Festival: Best Animation 2021 Rising of Lusitania AnimaDoc Festival: Special Mention 2021 BLON Animation Festival: Best Animation 2021 Animattikon Project: Special Mention 2021 PIAFF Paris Animation Festival: Audience Award 2021 deadCenter Film Festival: Best Animation (Oscar qualifying) 2021 Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche: Nachhaltigkeitspreis / Sustainability Award 2021 Thomas Edison Black Maria Film Festival: Jury’s Choice Award @2020 Fabian&Fred