An experimental short film. “Fleurs: Between Us Two” opens a window into a relationship gone wrong as a young man calls for a tragic separation through the offer of an unexpected gift. With Étienne Correia and Ariane Trépanier Voice over by Patrick Émannuel Abellard and Chanel Lallouz Press: *Berlin 2018 Lift-Off Film Festival online selection *Jersey City Popup Film Festival selection Music by Dan Shure (Everything I Am – Kanye West, piano cover) Written and directed by Matt Grimard Cinematography: Ariel Methot Editing: Mathieu Grimard Graphic Design: Harrison Fun Stylist: Ariane Sylvain Set Design: Stéphanie L’Allier and Yola Van Leeuwenkamp and Mari Pasquette Makeup: Tania Guarnaccia Sound Design: François Bélanger @ Apollo Studio A.C.: Véronique Dagenais Set Photography: Samuel Boisvert Crew: Pierre-Luc Bouchard, Alix Lepage Produced by: Asmir Pervanic and Mathieu Grimard Thanks to: Koma Post-Moderne Cinepool Apollo Studio Shed 401 Harrison Fun Agence acte 1 Dulcedo Management Agence Bridget Dechene Francis Desrosiers Lisa Arduini Jean-Pierre Demers Chanel Lallouz Cole Gurman Dominique Greffard Alessandra Rigano Juliette Leblanc Mathieu Arvisais Charles-Étienne Pascal