A Nordic Skater is a very first film about this little known sport. It features Per Sollerman, a photographer who has been skating on frozen lakes and fjords for the past 10 years. During 6 captivating minutes, the viewer is transported to the region of Oslo to have a peek at a story of a man who uses every sense he has to travel on thin ice. Per tells the story of how the little known sport of nordic skating came to play a big part in his life. “It is rooted deep in our bones that we need to be out in the nature,” he says. Directed, shot and edited by Paulius Neverbickas. Music by Luca Nioi. Big thanks to Lundhags for believing in this project! http://bit.ly/2RqF44g Find Per’s Nordic Skating Instagram profile and his personal website: http://bit.ly/2PBXUIq http://bit.ly/2RqF6ZW Find more works of me in my website: http://bit.ly/2PxrEWZ