A film by Pedro and James Castells is a film that looks into the art of human towers in Catalonia. It explores the characters and the communities that are part of this beautiful and mesmerising tradition. Castells are seemingly a simple activity; people climb on top of each other to create the highest tower. However, under the surface they are a metaphor to how communities interact, everyone playing a role, sacrificing oneself for a greater common objective. They illustrate how being part of society is about participation and interaction. Voices from Mariona Martínez Marrahi Toni Bach Lleal Oriol Saura Francisco Moreno Luque “Melilla” Sam González Sergi Via Trotonda Joan Vilaró Ferrer Josep Miret Pujol Director Pedro and James (James Worsley and Pedro de la Fuente) Executive Producer Thais Altman Producer Montserrat Rossel Xicola Director of Photography Pedro de la Fuente 1st Assistant Camera Horia Ionescu Ana Ferron Score Studio Uno Mas Composer Russ Chimes Sound Design Greg Niemand and Evan Gilder Sleeve at Mount Audio Sound Mix Roland Heap at Sound Disposition Post Production Company The Mill London Colourist Alex Gregory Colour Producer Charlie Morris Edit Pedro and James Runner Victor Garrido Vergés Poster Illustrations Rodrigo Stipkovic (Stip) Typography Duncan Edwards Special Thanks to: The Mill Pixi Pixel Castellers de Vilafranca Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls Castellers de Barcelona Concurs de Castells de Tarragona Sarai Zazo García Irina Corral Lurdes Quintero (Press officer for Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls) Francesc Bou (Press office for Castellers de Vilafranca) Eduard París (Castellers de Barcelona) Falca El Xampanyet
(Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)