A film by Agnès Patron Produced by Sacrebleu Productions SYNOPSIS : That very night, houses will burn. Men and women will tremble. Hordes of children will come together and howl as they dance alone on the ashes like wild bears. It only takes one cry to awaken them all from their slumber! ABOUT THE DIRECTOR : Following her studies in animation at the Ecole Superior des Arts Décoratifs, where she directed her first two painted animated shorts LA VALSE DU PENDU et LA VEUVE CAILLOU (official selection in Clermont Ferrand, Dresden, Stuttgardt, Animafest et Annecy), Agnès Patron worked in the animate teaser of Florence Mialhe feature film LA TRAVERSÉE as well as the animated sequences in Nadine Buss documentary D’ORIGINE ALLEMANDE. She then co-directed CHULYEN HISTOIRE DE CORBEAU with Cerise Lopez, a short film awarded in numerous festivals in France and abroad (Grand Prix Animatou, Grand Prix at the National Animation Film Festival, Special Price from de Jury Hiroshima…). For her most recent film, L’HEURE DE L’OURS, she worked at Ciclic alongside some talents from the animation team that helped on her previous project CHULYEN. CREW : Production : Sacrebleu Productions Producer : Ron Dyens Director : Agnès Patron Written by : Johanna Krawczyk & Agnès Patron Original Soundtrack : Pierre Oberkampf Sound Editor / Mix : Mathias Chaumet & Quentin Romanet Graphic Design : Agnès Patron Animation : Augustin Guichot – Agnès Patron – Sandra Rivaud Colorists : Morgane Le Pechon – Cerise Lopez – Agnès Patron Director of Photography : Nadine Buss Compositing : Pierre-Julien Fieux Editor : Agnès Patron FILMOGRAPHY : L’heure de L’Ours / And then the bear (2019) Chulyen, Histoire de Corbeau (2014) La Veuve Caillou (2011) La Valse du Pendu (2009) AWARDS : 2019 – Award for Best Short Film at Cinema Jove – Festival Internacional de Valencia 2019 – Prix SFCC de la Critique – Festival du Film Court en Plein Air de Grenoble 2019 – Best International Film at Anibar International Animation Festival (Kosovo) 2019 – Grand Prix – Animatou International Film Festival (Geneva) 2019 – Prix d’interprétation – Festival International du Film d’Animation de Paris 2019 – Gold Hugo – Chicago International Film Festival (USA) 2019 – World Animation Short Film Award – Leeds International Film Festival (UK) 2019 – Prix du scenario – Festival Tous Courts d’Aix-en-Provence (France) 2019 – Grand Prix – Sommets de l’Animation de Montréal (Canada) 2019 – Art Exploration Award – Beijing International Short Film Festival (BISFF) (China) 2020 – Mention spéciale pour un court métrage professionnel – Festival national du film d’animation à Rennes (mention honorifique du jury) 2020 – Special Mention — IFF Zoom Festival Zblizenia (Poland) 2020 – Grand prix de la meilleure création musicale – Festival International du film d’Aubagne (France) 2020 – Best Animation Prize – Aspen Shortsfest (USA) 2020 – Best International Short Animated Film – Fantaspoa (Brazil) 2020 – Best Animation Short – Minikino Film Week (Indonesia) 2020 – Best Foreign Short Animation – Big Cartoon Festival (Russia) 2020 – Special mention – Winter Apricots (Macedonia) FESTIVAL SELECTIONS : 2019 – Official Competition – Cannes Film Festival (France) 2019 – Cinema Jove – Festival Internacional de Cine de Valencia (Spain) 2019 – Guanajuato International Film Festival (Mexico) 2019 – Festival Séquence Court-Métrage Toulouse (France) 2019 – Melbourne International Film Festival (Australia) 2019 – Anibar International Animation Festival (Kosovo) 2019 – Festival du Film Court en Plein Air de Grenoble (France) 2019 – Festival Court Métrange de Rennes (France) 2019 – Toronto International Film Festival (Canada) 2019 – Festival Partie(s) de campagne (France) 2019 – Festival Silhouette (France) 2019 – Festival International du Court-métrage de Sao Paulo (Brazil) 2019 – Luciana International Film Festival (Italy) 2019 – Milano Film Festival (Italy) 2019 – Festival Européen du Court-métrage de Brest (France) 2019 – Festival Films Femmes Méditerranée de Marseille (France) 2019 – Bucheon International Animation Festival (South Korea) 2019 – Elche International Independant Film Festival (Spain) 2019 – Carrefour du cinéma d’animation (France) 2019 – Animaviso – Mexico Contemporary Animation Film Festival (Mexico) 2019 – Festival Européen du Film fantastique de Strasbourg (France) 2019 – Festival du Film d’Animation de Bourg-en-Bresse (hors-compétition – France)