Forrest Minchinton was raised by the desert. Growing up in Huntington Beach, CA, Forrest and his surfboard shaper dad – Mike – took every chance they got to head out to the Mojave desert. There, on a remote compound constructed from objects lost and found, Forrest learned to ride motorcycles, shape surfboards, and see the world through a different lens. DIRECTOR & PRODUCER: Dustin Humphrey EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Dustin Humphrey & Carby Tuckwell STARRING: Forrest Minchinton & Mike Minchinton WRITTEN BY: Shawn Tyler Packard & Cameron Goold DP: Cameron Goold EDITOR, COLORIST & SOUND DESIGN: Shawn Tyler Packard CAMERA OPERATORS: Matt Wybenga, Jacob Johnson, Harry Mark, & Jedediah Thunell STILL PHOTOGRAPHY: Harry Mark MUSIC: Dawn – RY X Son of My Father – Chicory Tip Modern Life – Shakes Sorry – The Moth & the Flame Howling – RY X Heavy Pop – WU LYFE NARRATION: Jeffrey Pillars