SYNOPSIS A young Norwegian woman tries to make it as a writer in the Danish film industry. Unfortunately, she has already run out of ideas. Yet, like all cinematic meta-narrators before her, she is good for a self-conscious voice-over and a montage of frustrated writer’s block gestures. If only all those thoughts could amount to one good idea. SCREENINGS / AWARDS 2019 – The Danish Film Academy (Denmark) / Nominated for “Short Film of The Year” 2019 – FEST, New Directors, New Films Festival (Portugal) / Official Selection 2019 – Ivy Film Festival (USA) / Official Selection 2019 – Cinalfarme Lisbon Internationel Film Awards (Portugal) / Official Selection 2019 – Hyperwave Film Awards (USA) / Official Selection 2019 – Swindon Independent Film Festival (United Kingdom) / Official Selection 2019 – Altan Khalis International Film Festival (Mongolia) / Official Selection 2019 – Northeast Mountain Film Festival (USA) / Official Selection 2019 – Moscow Short International Film Festival (Russia) / Best Experimental Short Film 2019 – Minimalen Short Film Festival (Norway) / Official Selection 2018 – OFF, Odense International Film Festival (Denmark) / Official Selection 2018 – Stockholm Independant Film Festival (Sweden) / Official Selection 2018 – Oslo Independant Film Festival (Norway) / Official Selection CAST Theresa Frostad Eggesbø Mathias Bøgelund Christiansen Anna Nøhr Tolstrup Mikkel Becker Hilgart Niels Dampe CREW Director: Kasper Møller Rask Writers: Mie Schou & Kasper Møller Rask Producer: Iben Søtang Cinematographer Julie Mørch Honoré Gaffer: Kristoffer Bak Nielsen Sound Engineer: Freja Printz Ringbæk Composer: Lasse Vangsgaard Iversen Costume Designer: Natalie Rask Production Manager: Ann-sofie Grøndal Production Company: Super8